
Brosi Lab

Brosi Lab, Emory University

The Structure and Function of Biodiversity We study how the structure of biological communities—including both biodiversity and ecological network structure—affects ecological functioning, and how it is affected by environmental change. Much of our work uses plant-pollinator interactions as a model system. We are actively engaged in translating our work and synthesizing other science in the service of environmental policy and management.
Tennyson Lab

The Tennyson Lab, Clemson University

Research in the Tennyson lab harnesses redox chemistry to address unsolved challenges in medicine and environmental remediation. Their highly-interdisciplinary research projects lie at the interface of classical organometallic catalysis with biomaterials, oxidative stress, and sustainable building materials.
Kronfost Lab

The Kronforst Lab, University of Chicago

The Kronforst Lab studies the evolution and genetics of adaptation and speciation, using butterflies as our primary model system.