Massachusetts General Hospital

The Huang Lab, Broad Institute

Huang Lab, Broad Institute

The Huang Lab develops and applies cutting-edge statistical genetics and computational techniques to understand the genetic architecture of human complex disorders, especially autoimmune and psychiatric disorders. We are especially interested in novel methods to leverage cross-ancestry genomics data for insights into the disease pathogenesis. Huang Lab is a member of the Analytic and Translational Genetics Unit at the Massachusetts General Hospital, the Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research at the Broad Institute, and Harvard Medical School. Huang lab works closely with the International Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Consortium (IIBDGC) and the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium (PGC).
i4c a cure

I4C Collaboratory

The goal of the I4C Collaboratory is to develop novel combined immunologic approaches to cure HIV-1 through a highly collaborative and multifaceted research program involving leading investigators in academia, government and industry.
The Center for Skeletal Research at MGH

The MGH Center for Skeletal Research at Mass General Hospital

Their goal with their new website was to provide an easier way to learn about bone research-related events and the CSR core services. A new addition is videos of our Keynote speakers from the Annual Skeletal Research Symposium.